Mayu Fujitaka – CMX – 2010 – 5 volumes

I reviewed this over at the Manga Recon, so you can check out my review there.

I’ll admit, I loved this book a lot more than I thought I would.  It has a very simple formula that works very well, and in my review I mention that it’s a cross between Otomen, My Heavenly Hockey Club, and Maid-sama.  It’s not the equal of any of those three as of volume one, but it’s still pretty funny stuff, and it could grow on me in future volumes.

I liked it even though the art took some getting used to (it’s drawn in a very simple, more comedic style).  Also, I had a childish grudge since the last 50 pages of this wound up in From Eroica With Love 15 instead of the last 50 pages of story there.  But that has apparently been corrected!  Check and see if the retailer you’ve purchased from has received the new copies.  Anyway, I didn’t think I’d be able to get over the crippling Eroica blow, but Bancho was very, very funny, and it blew my petty grudge clean out of the water.  I’m looking forward to future sukeban-flavored volumes.