One Piece 7

July 27, 2005

Note to self: Fruits Basket 10 and 11, Tramps Like Us 6, Cheeky Angel 5, One Piece 7, Othello 4, Hot Gimmick 8 and 9, Tenjho Tenge 2?

So, I’ve been reading a lot of manga, and this is the one that goes furthest back. Yeah. One Piece 7.

I already read this. All I can say about it is that I love One Piece. I really like Sanji’s flashback with Red Leg Zeff, which is here and very touching (as all Oda’s flashbacks are… and whoo, Arlong Park is next, where it goes over the top). I love the English version of Pearl, I didn’t remember him at all… maybe my translation was bad the first time through, it seems like I’d remember someone that funny. And coming up next is the final battle between Luffy and Don Kreig, which is one of the best for the “I will never die” line that I love so much much from Luffy.

God. Why aren’t you reading One Piece right now?

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