Othello 4

July 29, 2005

Damn, I have to keep track of these older series. I haven’t entered any for this, and hardly any for Holic since I’ve been keeping up with this journal. Geez…

This series… it doesn’t really do anything particularly spectacular, or well, but it is nonetheless one of the series I look forward to the most. The gimmick of Nana and Yaya, the fact Yaya has the crushes she does, that she is unaware of Nana, that Nana kicks ass… none of these things fire me up all that much, and none of them are particularly original. But GODDAMN is this a good manga.

Hana-chan is the Moe/Sari of choice for this volume (by the way, Moe and Sari do come back for little cameos). She tricks everyone into signing up for her talent agency, which is probably phony, then hires them out to do rather naughty work. She also keeps yelling at Yaya and makes her do bad things to try and find Nana, when she herself won’t make any sacrifices… or even LOOK for her, despite the fact Yaya has never seen Nana. Things keep snowballing, and Nana has some tight places to get out of… but JUSTICE IS SERVED! Hooray!

The end of the book was rather ominous, and I’m really looking forward to the next volume. Oh Othello, if I only knew why I loved you so.

3 Responses to “Othello 4”

  1. Alizz Says:

    Well yeah the ending is sad..But its really sad that there is no anime of othello..The manga is great..But do any of you know where to download the manga and not 2 buy?

  2. Connie Says:

    I think all the downloads are long gone since the manga has been licensed for nearly two years. It’s worth the buy though, it wound up being one of my more favorite shorter series.

  3. Foggi Says:

    I just reread vol. 4 because it’s been such a long time, I couldn’t remember which volume I was on. >< I need to go get vol. 5…

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