Othello 5

October 17, 2005

Somehow, this volume was extremely disappointing. I really liked that Yaya was trying to figure out her problem by herself and everyone was sort of… either really hoping for it or trying really hard to avoid it. I think the thing I liked least about it was the confrontation with Hana-chan, but thinking back on it, I tore through that section and ate it right up, the premise was so cool… it wasn’t disappointing. Maybe it was because it took up nearly the entire volume and it seems like nothing else happened, which is sorta true. No, it’s not, because there was an awesome Chikan story that I LOVED and was one of my favorite moments in the series. Justice is done! Thank you Nana!

Well… it, uh… ended on a lame cliffhanger? That’s true, because while the moment was climatic, not enough was revealed about the events to make me angst and sit on the edge of my seat for the next volume.

Fuck it, I don’t know what I’m talking about. This volume was awesome. I think. I’m not really sure. Does anyone else even read this series? Or these entries?

2 Responses to “Othello 5”

  1. i alwayz wanted to read it but i sadly never got a chance to

  2. i alwayz wanted to read it but i sadly never got a chance to and it sounds good

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