Reiko the Zombie Shop 1

January 21, 2006

This was pretty awesome. I was initially turned off by the art (as I really do not care for the eyes), but the stories are actually pretty cool. The only complaint I had with them was that they sometimes felt too short, but that wound up being okay.

It winds these two plots together that meet up at the end (and make me wonder how the series actually continues in volume two), one about Reiko doing her Zombie Shop thing for random people and one about this child killer, and Reiko finally gets set on the Child Killer case at the very end. The child killer thing was mildly disconcerting, as it’s pretty violent and does show quite a lot of gore against… well, kids. Plus the person’s a nutcase, but that wound up being okay. All those chapters were awesome, as was the final chapter, which was some sort of awesome. One of the Reiko chapters towards the end sort of stuck with me too, the one where she gets a rabbit that pees on her. That story was rather well-constructed and had several nice twists.

Hooray for this series!

5 Responses to “Reiko the Zombie Shop 1”

  1. Pirkaf Says:

    Finally reading this… damn, I bought only one volume.. ;-(

  2. Connie Says:

    Unfortunately, with the way the first volume ends, it’s really necessary to follow it up with volume 2.

  3. Pirkaf Says:

    I must say I’m not head over heels about this volume but I’m quite curious about the continuation. We will see, I have many Dark Horse series to catch upon.. ;-)

  4. Connie Says:

    Yeah, there are better things to catch up on, true. I thought this was pretty good for the first couple volumes, but it does get hard to read because of the lack of focus. I liked it even after it stopped making sense, though.

  5. Manaka Says:

    Hello! I love your reviews and it only makes me want to read all the books after reading what you said!
    I read 1 and 2 and you were right about them lol
    I love the evil sister plot!
    You know if there are sites that lets you read the whole 3rd volume? D:

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