Reiko the Zombie Shop 3

July 14, 2006

So this series screams AWESOME! as hard as it possibly can at all times. I like it. The stupid plot from last volume where Reiko has to fight her twin sister wraps up about halfway through this one. I actually liked the second half. Aside from the silly premise, I think one of my problems with it was that there were too many characters, as I fell in love with the one-shot Zombie Shop stories in the first volume. Well, too many characters ceases to be a problem very early on in this volume, and the rest involves a lot of melee weapons, Yurikawa, and chainsaws. Though I liked this part of it much better, the ending was, unfortunately, VERY stupid.

But after that’s over and done with, we get more Zombie Shop stories! We get one proper one, and after that two shorter, sillier stories that are just kind of bizarre, to say the least, but I think are mostly there for their comedic value (well, one is, the other’s got its own flavor of over-the-top dark humor). The Zombie Shop story was pretty awesome, it takes place in Hungary at a remote all-girls school. It had a twist I didn’t see coming, and I admire that when stories pull the wool over my eyes.

But yes, it’s still a really awesome series despite some of the lame things it does. I love it quite a bit, though I feel like I get better from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. If you want horror and humor, Reiko’s your girl.

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