Reiko the Zombie Shop 4

September 23, 2006

We’re back to one-shots in this volume, which I like a lot better than the twin sister arc. The one thing good that came from that arc, the Yurihara summon Zombie, I was sad to have lost, but the ending to this volume made me a little less sad.

There were good and bad one shots, certainly, but they all have that over-the-top charm that makes Reiko awesome. My favorite in this volume was a cleaning robot story that the mangaka explains in the back of the volume was a bit rushed because she forgot she had less pages. It’s really violent and awesome. The end story, though I liked it okay, was less good, and there is a terrorist story at the beginning that I also liked a lot.

That’s about it. Still ultraviolent, and we get an appearance briefly from that bounty hunter, but mostly just light stuff this time around.

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