Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle 19

December 26, 2009

CLAMP – Del Rey – 2008 – 28 volumes

The Hikaru doll blew my mind.  Wasn’t expecting it, but probably should have given the fact they were fighting in the layer and all.  Plus, you know, Eagle Vision and Hikaru Shido are totally OTP.  The only thing that could have made that better was if somehow, it was Icchan that transported them between dimensions.  That would have worked on a lot of weird levels, especially if he had shown up in addition to what actually happened.  And then claimed he was Fei Wang Reed.  That would’ve been so tight.

Anyway.  This volume throws a few random curveballs our way.  I’m pretty sure I understood pretty much everything that was going on, but even still, these curveballs felt a little over-dramatic and unnecessary.  The first one, dealing with Sakura, seemed completely unnecessary and against the spirit of what has been going on post-clone Syaoran, even given her justification for doing it.  The second curveball was just brutal, and we’ve hurt Fai enough already.  I know we’ve got more punishment to dish out to him later, and we’ve only really touched the tip of the Fai iceburg, but that double-page spread is still one of the biggest shockers in the series.  I mean, there’s just absolutely no reason for it.  Poor Fai.

There’s lots of little touches to develop Fai’s character in this volume.  Both Sakura and Kurogane give indications that they don’t like it when he hides everything and pretends things are peachy, and we also begin to see his world creeping in since… well, the thng he asks for is starting to happen.

I still like Sakura’s luck.  That’s a pretty nifty plot element, even if it’s something we may never see or hear about again.  Apparently… she got what she wanted?  I had a hard time wrapping my brain around the three dimensions being mentioned.  There was… Freya and Elda at work, one was in a different dimension, and one was in the dimension that the story is currently taking place in.  Since Sakura was using Freya, there was a partial third dimension being drawn in while Freya and Elda were resonating?  Hopefully that didn’t spoil anything, but it always helps to talk these things out for me.  Hopefully it’ll make sense to others later, as well.

3 Responses to “Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle 19”

  1. ame Says:

    okay so i’ve read all the way up to volume 25 and this series just makes me angry. not only do i have no idea what’s going on on the page because its filled with swirling clouds that just get in the way. but also because i feel they just drop bombshells and move on. i really dont understand. i think that going back and reading them one after another might help. but i’m just so angry at it right now that i dont want to touch it. i was really hoping that you would read it and help me figure out what is going on. i bet once it ends it will easier to get but for right now its just frustrating.

  2. ZeroSD Says:

    TRC is definitely a series that benefits from re-reading. A lot of stuff goes down in these volumes.

  3. Connie Says:

    Yeah, I’m definitely benefiting from a re-read and reading all the volumes back-to-back. I have always saved volumes of the English version to read together, and it’s definitely benefiting me here since I am understanding everything that is happening. You’re right, ame, in that the volumes are telling a rather lengthy story rather than having the characters show it with action and discovery, and it’s bothering me even while I’m getting everything that’s going on. I like it a lot better than I thought I did, but it’s still a little overwhelming.

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