Yellow Omnibus 1

January 2, 2010

Makoto Tateno – June – 2009 – 4 volumes
this is an omnibus edition that collects the series into 2 volumes

This is exactly what I wanted when I read Fake.  I’m not sure why I like this series so much better, but it may be because it ditches almost all the humor, and is much more… I don’t know, there isn’t narration on one side or the other, so it seems like Taki is doing a good job of resisting Goh’s advances, and the gun pulling business seems pretty serious.  And yeah, it’s just much less goofy, and I like that more in my romance series.

I’m surprised I liked this as much as I did.  I seem to go less for the action-oriented BL titles, with a few exceptions, and I usually dislike series that follow an episodic format like this.  But Yellow was pretty great.  I liked pretty much everything about it, from the way it doesn’t overblow the main drug snatching missions, to Goh and Taki’s perfectly matched teamwork, their entertaining banter, and, again, the way the characters aren’t just hopping into bed with one another.  There are a lot of nice things working in this series.  I do wish there was a little bit more of an overarching plot, aside from the obvious use of the character’s pasts, but I’m pretty entertained by everything else the series has to offer so far.

The missions are very fun.  Taki and Goh usually wind up in sticky situations, and what usually seems like a previous steamy encounter, or rejection on Goh’s side, turns out to be the two communicating in their near-telepathic way in order to solve whatever mess they foresaw themselves getting into.  It’s a pretty fun formula, and there’s just enough triumphs and close shaves to make everything very exciting.

There are some forehead-slapping moments, though.  The way that Taki focuses on female mistresses and Goh on male seems to limit their early missions to bisexual drug lords, though that is shown not to be a standard formula later, and either Goh or Taki will do the seduction depending on gender.  I’m not sure what would happen if they ever ran into a straight man, but whatever.

I do like the emphasis on “I love you, but I don’t want to have sex with you” between Taki and Goh.  This is a theme that’s brought up early on, and Taki pretty much sticks to this through the entire omnibus volume here.  There’s even a short story with the same situation that makes the two reflect on that even more.  It’s nice, and definitely a breath of fresh air from the standard yaoi series.

I’ve read other books by Makoto Tateno and liked them okay, but I think Yellow is my favorite so far.  I’m sad I’ll have to wait for March for the followup omnibus volume, but it’ll be great when I can read the new sequel right after.

3 Responses to “Yellow Omnibus 1”

  1. Mary Says:

    I loved both Yellow and Fake. They are very different, and I don’t agree that Fake is goofy. The author has humor in almost all of her manga, so it’s her trademark. Makoto Tateno seems to put more emphasis on the emotions, which I love, whereas Sanami Matoh is a little more character driven and draws out her story longer. Like I said, they are completely different, but I love them both.

  2. Connie Says:

    It’s true that Yellow and Fake take entirely different approaches. I didn’t really like what I’d read of Fake, but I feel like I should probably finish the series before I discuss Sanami Matoh’s character development.

    I don’t know though, I would still say that Matoh’s style of humor is kind of goofy. It’s not really my kind of humor, though, so I don’t think I’d like it even if it was the type of thing she develops and uses in all her stories. ^_^;

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